Monday, May 12, 2014

Palpable relief for PUPPPs pregnancy rash

PUPPPs can definitely feel like the plague of pregnancy. So when I started to feel it come on early in my second pregnancy, I was much more aggressive with treatment. In my first pregnancy I was hesitant to take anything. However, after knowing how awful it can get, I was ready to try things more aggressively within the recommendations of my doctor.

I got serious this time around when my belly started looking like this:

I was already barely getting a couple hours of sleep a night due to the severe itching and this was not very large coverage.

Doctor recommended Zyrtec or Claritin. I bought Zyrtec and felt that it helped me sleep and seriously slowed the progress of what had been a rapidly progressing rash. I was trying different creams - Cetaphil moisturizer and hydrocortizone did the most for me. However, it was still raised and red though reduced in severity. 

At the same time I got on Zyrtec, I found this PUPPPs relief blend essential oils from New Zealand on the web I wasn't sure about it. I wouldn't know the ingredients though it was advertised as pregnancy safe. It was from another country and the shipping charges were a high percentage of the cost for one bottle. I thought about it and if I was willing to buy and consume dandelion root tincture and tea and had purchased all other sorts of other pine tar soaps and coconut oils with hopes of some level of relief, why not this? So I went ahead and ordered two bottles thinking that if it worked, I would need more and the shipping per unit would be less. And if it didn't work, worst case I was out $80 and would know one more thing didn't work.

The rash continued to spread slowly across my belly and onto my thighs as I waited for my shipment to arrive.  It looked just like what was promised on the website when the bottles arrived in the mail. Better yet, it smelled really good. I slathered a thin coat on and was pleased by the cooling effect and pleasant olfactory experience. After just three days, my skin was soft and supple again and the rash had receded to even with my skin instead of raised by up to 1/8". After the dinosaur scaly scratchiness, that alone would have been quite a feat. 

I continue to take Zyrtec and I put on hydrocortisone once in the morning after my lukewarm shower (I just can't really do cold). Then the rest of the day I put on 2-3 coats of the PUPPPs relief essential oils.  With this regimen, my PUPPPs totally went away on my thighs and is significantly reduced on my belly. I still itch, but it isn't as bad. And I still see it pop up in new areas, but it takes a while and then can recede after popping up. The rash seems to be trying to take over my arms next, but I am combating it and will let you know how that goes. 

All in all, taking a chance on the Le 'Esscience PUPPPs Rash Relief was a great investment. Hopefully my two bottles will last until baby comes in 9 more weeks. If my PUPPPs does continue, I won't hesitate to get more. I recommend giving it a try.

I really wish I had found this combo in my first pregnancy, but it took me a long time to realize what was happening to me and then longer to try homeopathic remedies, lotions and food elimination diets that just didn't bring anything more than very temporary relief. Facing four months of PUPPPs before baby, I'm glad to have found this form of palpable relief. 

Best wishes to the other itchy mommas out there.