Monday, April 28, 2014

Second pregnancy PUPPPs and what is working in battling my rash

Because I have suffered PUPPPs before, it seems both better and worse the second time around. It is better because I know what it is and I know where it is going and what to expect. It is worse because I know what it is and I know where it is going and what to expect. It doesn't help that I got it much earlier and worse this time.

The benefit of knowing what I was up against was that I had tried all manner of things before and I am able to treat it sooner. As soon as I felt the itch before the rash had blossomed, I talked to my doctor about what was safe. She recommended antihistamines and topical creams like moisturizer and hydrocortizone. 

As the rash did soon blossom, I used super moisturizers like Cetaphil. That provided relief and it only grew slowly. Then it started to pick up speed so I used Sarna, an anti-itch lotion I hadn't found much help last time but still had around. Some women swear by it. For me it increased inflammation and discomfort. I stopped using it after three or four days and the rash calmed a bit. However it was still progressing and starting to creep up my belly above my navel. 

So as much as I hate to take drugs, I knew how awful this could get and how quickly, so I took Zyrtec Allergy. I was pleasantly surprised that the rash became less inflamed and greatly reduced. It started to clear up under my belly after just a few days. Then the intensity of the rash picked up again and I lost ground but maintained a reduced rash, less raised and red. 

I use Cetaphil gentle clenser and Cetaphil moisturizer for best results. Being out in the heat too long or taking too warm of a shower can set me off to unbearable. I'm glad I've tried the Zyrtec. it is working for me. I've also introduced a dandelion root tea to drink at work and am going to talk to my doctor this week about the pill form. I'll keep you posted on what works. So far, it isn't going away, but it has slowed down and with 12 weeks to go, that is good news.

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